Thursday, September 16, 2010

day three

favourite tv show.

without a doubt, of all time - it's the x files. it's old, and no longer on, and it sure did get a little terrible towards the end there. but like my favourite movie post, i have endless memories associated with this show - even more than the movie.

watching it after unsolved mysteries at my nan's apartment.
finding an "all about me" activity from grade three and seeing it was my favourite then (coolest 8-year old ever).
passing the house that looked like the one from "home" and yelling PEACOCK! to keep the brothers away.
owning season one episodes in VHS boxsets.
remembering random or obscure pieces of episodes, years later - the glowing bugs in "darkness falls", or the creepy doll in that episode that stephen king wrote.

other honourable mentions:
buffy the vampire slayer
law and order: special victims unit
veronica mars

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

day two

favourite movie.


andrew and i could (and probably still can) recite lines from this. frequent references to goomi bears and sugar daddies. there was a girl we knew in town who looked like yitzhak. we were irrevocably insulted when susan fell asleep when we tried to share with her.

i love michael pitt, and consequently sought out every other movie he was or would be in. i wrote a paper for an upper level gender seminar on this movie, titled "more than a woman or a man".

and of course, you never put a bra in the dryer.

is it SERIOUSLY a good movie? not really. i don't even like musicals. but there was so much going on in this one - conceptually - that i can't help but love it, for everything it is. i have the soundtrack too.

Monday, September 13, 2010

day one: favourite song

clearly that last attempt to encourage posting worked REAL well.



favourite song... of all time?! difficult.

i would suggest maybe one of these two. but ask me tomorrow.

today was productive. i went to the gym after dropping maegan off for school, then went for lunch with laura. i informed her that i had made the switch back to vegetarian, and we had lunch at wok box. it was tasty... i gave laura a recap of what had happened on the true blood finale, and was amazed at my recall. if everything in school was relayed via eric northman, i would never ever again forget a detail. i did laundry and typed up some notes for work... then went to the store for 7:00. the new les savy fav cd is really good.