Sunday, December 20, 2009

pink toenails

Blog blog blog.

I never keep these up because I think I don't have anything to write/others might want to read. I thought of something that I wanted to write about earlier, but it's completely escaped me... I'm going to keep this up anyway.

I got home from work at 9:00, had some supper then headed over to Susan's. We made cookies and painted our nails and watched Clueless in memory of Brittany Murphy. I had that one, along with Girl, Interrupted and Don't Say A Word. On the way home I picked up a new sketchbook and some inky pens. Last year, I bought Danny Gregory's book The Creative License. My plan is to draw my way through it and keep with it.

The whole time I was doing my Master's, I didn't really take "me" time, but I wasted a ton of time. It was hard that way, because I wasn't getting things done and I never felt like I got a break. My online journal (when I wrote in it) was always about school. I'm still in school... doing a Social Work degree, but this time will be different. I'm really going to try to get involved in things outside of school and to focus on those parts of my life. I'm excited.

I remembered what I wanted earlier.

Gill is home from the UK for Christmas - we went to pick her up at the airport last night. The place was packed with so many people coming home for the holidays. Gill's parents were there, and were talking to another couple. Their son came out from the baggage claim and was SO vibrant and energetic. He dropped his bags off and then was going about the crowd talking to people he knew. Apparently he's been all over the world and is going to Europe next year... I was totally jealous. All the same, I knew this could just have easily had been me. There's nothing stopping me from traveling! Or moving. I really do love my program, but sometimes I wish I had applied elsewhere so I could have that experience.

At the same time, I still have two "student summers" left.

So I just need to make full use of them.

Friday, November 20, 2009

oh hello.